This week is Big Energy Saving Week- a national campaign aiming to raise awareness about energy efficiency, energy bill reduction and how to tackle energy loss.
Solar panel installations are a fantastic way for your business to begin reducing the cost of energy bills by generating your own electricity. These systems also can protect your business from future rising energy costs, making them a valuable financial investment.
Solar panels will not be an option for some offices, but there are other steps your company can take to ensure your office space is more energy efficient.
Here are some of our top tips to help your office save energy:
- Manage the temperature- make sure thermostats and air conditioners are used efficiently.
- Optimise lighting- consider switching out your regular lighting for LED lights as they use less energy. Motion sensors that automatically turn off lights when someone leaves the room are also a great idea to ensure lights are not left on accidentally.
- Save energy on tea and coffee- whilst hot beverages are essential in helping employees get through the working day, using the kettle multiple times during one shift will increase your energy usage. Instead, have your employees make several hot beverages at once to cut down on electricity bills.
- Avoid excessive printing- using the printer unnecessarily will use a huge amount of energy…and paper too!
Put these tips into action and begin combatting energy loss in the workplace!
If you’d like more information on solar panels and how they can help your company save energy, contact one of our team members today!