Eastgate Care Homes – Solar PV Installation

Eastgate Care Homes specialise in providing quality palliative and dementia care to their residents. They offer individual care with attention to detail within their idyllic residential homes.

Solar Panel Installation

Eastgate Care teamed up with Geo Green Power to reduce their energy bills and take advantage of the valuable feed-in-tariff payments thus ensuring continued high standards of care without reneging on a fair price.

Geo Green Power installed three 15kW systems, one 18kW system and a 30kW system over five of Eastgate’s individual purpose built residential care houses. The systems will generate over 80,000kWhs of electricity a year, reducing Eastgate Care’s carbon footprint by over 35 tonnes and saving them almost £10,000 in electricity every year!

Solar Panels on Roof

Care homes traditionally have a high electricity usage throughout the day which ties in perfectly with a solar photovoltaic system. The way to achieve the best return on investment from a solar PV system is by using as much of the generated power as possible. On average, if you can utilise the majority of power on site, a solar scheme can achieve an ROI of at least 15%.

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