Quasar 2

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Using the latest in bidirectional EV charging technology, the Quasar 2 delivers 11.5kW power and a Combined Charging System standard. The DC bidirectional charger powers the vehicle battery directly, meaning it doesn’t need to travel through the onboard charger. This ensures maximum output and efficiency for faster charging.

With bidirectional power capabilities, the Quasar 2 enables vehicle owners with compatible EVs to use their vehicle as an emergency generator when necessary. Users can also schedule charging sessions to make the most of lower rate periods, and discharge when rates are high. Bidirectional charging allows for smarter energy management in your home, enabling users to use, store and produce energy in a more convenient way thanks to high frequency switching technology.

Installing the Quasar 2 EV charger

If you’re interested in installing the Quasar 2 EV charger on your property, contact the team at Geo Green Power to find out more.

The Quasar 2 can be used to store energy produced via solar PV systems, so you can charge your vehicle using sustainable, renewable power, and avoid high grid prices to really maximise the output from your solar panel system. The Quasar 2 has a compact and lightweight design which makes it ideal for domestic properties due to the, it’s the latest in EV charging technology.

Quasar 2 also has a Blackout Mode, so you can use your EV battery to power your home for up to 3 days in the event of a power shortage. Speak to a member of our team to find out more about the home-set up required and whether this could be something that you could benefit from.

Why choose Quasar 2?

Upgraded power to 11.5kW for faster charging and discharging

Wide operating temperature ranging from -30oC to 50oC

Compact design that’s easy to install and won’t take up unnecessary space

Versatile, with the ability to charge your home and vehicle on a daily basis or during a power outage

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