David and Marisa are over the moon with their ASHP installation, which is made up of three units. Together, the ASHP system heats their property adequately, has eliminated the need for gas heating and enabled the couple to navigate listed building guidelines and preserve the architectural importance of their home. Because they have converted almost entirely to renewable energy; their carbon footprint has dramatically reduced, and their heat pump runs on solar power whenever possible.
During the long days of summer, the solar PV produces surplus electricity, allowing David and Marisa to make use of their battery storage. This saves money on their electricity bill as it stores any solar energy, that the house isn’t using, for charging the car or night usage. The battery storage system also acts as a back-up, should their electricity supply ever be interrupted. A great export rate with their energy provider Octopus Energy is also providing a small income for them, as any energy that’s not stored or used is exported back to the grid at an attractive rate.
During the planning stages of David and Marisa’s installation, there were many challenges due to COVID-19 and the National lockdowns. Even with these barriers, the couple were very happy with how the Geo Green Power team operated. David said: “The team did a fantastic job; they were very professional and even worked in the winter and the cold weather.”
The David and Marisa installation means they have become almost fully self-sufficient, particularly during the summer months, using the energy from their solar PV installation to power their home, their heating and their cars. They are saving on their electricity costs, storing or selling any power they are not using to their energy provider and saving an incredible 27 tonnes of CO2 every year.